Old souls of Bangalore. 

Waddup y’all!

I was enjoying my coffee in the balcony, it was raining and I start thinking of something randomly. (I’ll tell you what it was, wait.)

So, this is the 2nd post I’m writing, the response on the 1st one was pretty good considering that it was my first one. Encouragement is what helps us create more art. ❤

*sips the coffee* Born (in 1996) and brought up in Bangalore, I absolutely love, LOVE this city! 

After all the drastic changes and drama that this place has been through in these two decades, it hurts to witness the changing climate more than anything.

Which is why when it rained today, I felt so nostalgic. I was thinking of everything I could possibly remember about the old Bangalore, in a flash back, all the memories from childhood of fun fairs and cotton candies just kept coming across so randomly.The targolas (taatlingo as the cart-guy used to shout) (or Palmyra as I looked upon google, hahah) which used to be 3 for 10 bucks and felt like the tastiest fruit gifted to man. 

I was wondering about how much fun school in June used to be, mainly because of the weather. We would shop for the latest umbrellas and rain coats, wear them over our bags and run around the campus with those heavy shoulders not giving a damn about anything. Jumping in the puddles, waiting for the van man. This was it. This was life. It meant more than anything to us. The December annual cake show in Bangalore. Come on, which kid can forget that! It’s like the best thing that could’ve happened to a kid in this city. Cakes in the form of castles and Eiffel Tower and Taj Mahal and what not! Let’s laugh at those pictures now, but oh! back then we posed in front of those cakes with so much pride, looking at them with so much greed wishing we could own and eat them all. 

Another thing which flashes is the Sunday hangout -special, is the cubbon park nostalgia. The bal bhavan train ride, the aquarium, the museum with a creepy Dino who’d lean forward and scream at you.

I also miss going to the Shiva temple on the old airport road (Sake of stationery. Let’s admit we only went there to buy cool stationery from kempfort, which I literally miss today) (also, that was the only mall back then, the oldest one, so the hype was totally worth it)

Sometime’s you’d get to go to Airlines, play in that small ground with one swing and a Merry go round. It comes back in flashes, the picture of that lovely smelling glass idli (kodabu from Woody’s) which would fascinate me everytime because I thought idlis could only be round. Man! Somehow feel eating was simpler and peaceful before. 

I still remember the first time amoeba came into picture.😂 We loved it because it was the center for almost all our friends, and we could finally agree to go out, (growing up and all, vanyand-haf auto rides on own, what achievements and milestones) Ya so, we rocked every game there, ended up buying sharpeners and pens for everyone, cuz come on we wanted to be fair with avar frandz.

(Obviously this was what old Bangalore was for me, because I am not that old to witness the older-than-this Bangalore. 😂)

Time passed by and somewhere between Kempfort and Orion, things changed drastically. And when I say changes, it includes the pollution, traffic and climate change, the westernization and so many other things. The things which I may not be able to explain but I know how they must be pricking a true bangalorean’s heart so much. Today, some how Bangalore doesn’t feel anything like the old one anymore. Hurts to see the city becoming just another developed city. Losing all the old charm. Where it used to rain  in almost every month, now there’s only flashback and nostalgia which you can think of when it rains. 

I’d do as much as possible, to reserve this beauty’s charm. It is mine. The place where I was born, the place where I’ve lived. The place which I love the most, Bangalore. ❤

[For more of such images- @Kaushie!] Keep loving and sharing. Thank you for reading. ❤

15 thoughts on “Old souls of Bangalore. 

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    1. I couldn’t stop thinking of our days back then. It was fun. :’) And thank you so much for appreciating. You motivate so much. Love you! ❤


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